Enforcing Policy with Anthos Config Management Policy Controller
Policy Controller enforces your clusters’ compliance with policies called constraints. In this lab, you use the constraint library, a set of templates that can be easily configured to enforce and audit security and compliance policies. For example, you can require that namespaces have at least one label so that you use GKE Usage Metering and allocate costs to different teams. Or, you might want to enforce the same requirements as provided by PodSecurityPolicies, but with the ability to audit them before disrupting a deployment with enforcements.
In addition to working with the provided platform constraint templates, you will learn how to create your own. With constraint templates, a centralized team can define how a constraint works, and delegate defining the specifics of the constraint to an individual or group with subject-matter expertise.
Policy Controller is built from the Gatekeeper open source project and is integrated into Anthos Config Management v1.1+.
- Install Anthos Policy Controller
- Create and enforce constraints using the Template Library provided by Google
- Audit constraint violation
- Create your own Template Constraints to create the custom compliance policies that your company needs
Complete and verify the lab setup
A GKE cluster named gke has been created and registered.
Welcome to Cloud Shell! Type "help" to get started.
Your Cloud Platform project in this session is set to qwiklabs-gcp-01-fe43bbf70613.
Use “gcloud config set project [PROJECT_ID]” to change to a different project.
student_01_2c1b6dd12803@cloudshell:~ (qwiklabs-gcp-01-fe43bbf70613)$ ZONE=us-west1-b
student_01_2c1b6dd12803@cloudshell:~ (qwiklabs-gcp-01-fe43bbf70613)$ export CLUSTER_NAME=gke
export PROJECT_ID=$(gcloud config get-value project)
export PROJECT_NUMBER=$(gcloud projects describe ${PROJECT_ID} \
gcloud container clusters get-credentials gke --zone $ZONE --project $PROJECT_ID
Your active configuration is: [cloudshell-5876]
Fetching cluster endpoint and auth data.
kubeconfig entry generated for gke.
student_01_2c1b6dd12803@cloudshell:~ (qwiklabs-gcp-01-fe43bbf70613)$ gcloud beta container fleet config-management enable
Enabling service [anthospolicycontroller.googleapis.com] on project [qwiklabs-gcp-01-fe43bbf70613]...
Operation "operations/acat.p2-146607874142-a5455c52-8e3c-4cd4-9f02-16de0a67c719" finished successfully.
Enabling service [anthosconfigmanagement.googleapis.com] on project [qwiklabs-gcp-01-fe43bbf70613]...
Operation "operations/acat.p2-146607874142-066718a7-4aa3-4281-b7e0-5ba2fef507d1" finished successfully.
Waiting for Feature Config Management to be created...done.
student_01_2c1b6dd12803@cloudshell:~ (qwiklabs-gcp-01-fe43bbf70613)$
Install the Anthos Policy Controller
- Create the Anthos Policy Controller config file:
- Install the Anthos Policy Controller:
- Poll the Config Management service to see if the Anthos Policy Controller has been installed:
When the output updates to match what is shown below, you can type <CTRL>+C
to exit the polling and continue. It may take 4-5 minutes (but not longer) for the controller to be installed. Sometimes the Status and/or the Hierachy_Controller stays in PENDING. Ignore that and continue with the next steps.
student_01_2c1b6dd12803@cloudshell:~ (qwiklabs-gcp-01-fe43bbf70613)$ cat <<EOF > config-management.yaml
apiVersion: configmanagement.gke.io/v1
kind: ConfigManagement
name: config-management
applySpecVersion: 1
# Set to true to install and enable Policy Controller
enabled: true
# Uncomment to prevent the template library from being installed
# templateLibraryInstalled: false
# Uncomment to enable support for referential constraints
# referentialRulesEnabled: true
EOF ...other fields...aces: ["namespace-name"]ailures audit interval
student_01_2c1b6dd12803@cloudshell:~ (qwiklabs-gcp-01-fe43bbf70613)$ ls
config-management.yaml README-cloudshell.txt
student_01_2c1b6dd12803@cloudshell:~ (qwiklabs-gcp-01-fe43bbf70613)$ cat config-management.yaml
apiVersion: configmanagement.gke.io/v1
kind: ConfigManagement
name: config-management
applySpecVersion: 1
# Set to true to install and enable Policy Controller
enabled: true
# Uncomment to prevent the template library from being installed
# templateLibraryInstalled: false
# Uncomment to enable support for referential constraints
# referentialRulesEnabled: true
# Uncomment to disable audit, adjust value to set audit interval
# auditIntervalSeconds: 0
# Uncomment to log all denies and dryrun failures
# logDeniesEnabled: true
# Uncomment to exempt namespaces
# exemptableNamespaces: ["namespace-name"]
# ...other fields...
student_01_2c1b6dd12803@cloudshell:~ (qwiklabs-gcp-01-fe43bbf70613)$
student_01_2c1b6dd12803@cloudshell:~ (qwiklabs-gcp-01-fe43bbf70613)$ gcloud beta container fleet config-management apply \
--membership=${CLUSTER_NAME}-connect \
--config=config-management.yaml \
Waiting for Feature Config Management to be updated...done.
student_01_2c1b6dd12803@cloudshell:~ (qwiklabs-gcp-01-fe43bbf70613)$
student_01_2c1b6dd12803@cloudshell:~ (qwiklabs-gcp-01-fe43bbf70613)$ watch gcloud beta container fleet config-management status \
Every 2.0s: gcloud beta container fleet config-management status --project=qwiklabs-gcp-01-fe43bbf70613 cs-573077193808-default: Wed Jul 24 21:51:43 2024
Name: global/gke-connect
Last_Synced_Token: NA
Sync_Branch: NA
Last_Synced_Time: NA
Policy_Controller: INSTALLED
Hierarchy_Controller: NA
Version: 1.18.2
Upgrades: manual
student_01_2c1b6dd12803@cloudshell:~ (qwiklabs-gcp-01-fe43bbf70613)$ kubectl get constrainttemplates
allowedserviceportname 4m55s
asmauthzpolicydisallowedprefix 4m59s
asmauthzpolicyenforcesourceprincipals 4m57s
asmauthzpolicynormalization 5m
asmauthzpolicysafepattern 4m54s
asmingressgatewaylabel 4m51s
asmpeerauthnstrictmtls 4m58s
asmrequestauthnprohibitedoutputheaders 4m56s
asmsidecarinjection 4m58s
destinationruletlsenabled 4m54s
disallowedauthzprefix 4m55s
gcpstoragelocationconstraintv1 4m56s
k8sallowedrepos 4m55s
k8savoiduseofsystemmastersgroup 5m
k8sblockallingress 5m1s
k8sblockcreationwithdefaultserviceaccount 4m58s
k8sblockendpointeditdefaultrole 4m56s
k8sblockloadbalancer 4m51s
k8sblocknodeport 4m57s
k8sblockobjectsoftype 4m53s
k8sblockprocessnamespacesharing 4m50s
k8sblockwildcardingress 4m59s
k8scontainerephemeralstoragelimit 4m53s
k8scontainerlimits 5m
k8scontainerratios 4m53s
k8scontainerrequests 4m59s
k8scronjoballowedrepos 4m54s
k8sdisallowanonymous 5m1s
k8sdisallowedrepos 4m55s
k8sdisallowedrolebindingsubjects 4m54s
k8sdisallowedtags 4m53s
k8sdisallowinteractivetty 4m56s
k8semptydirhassizelimit 5m
k8senforcecloudarmorbackendconfig 4m51s
k8sexternalips 4m54s
k8shttpsonly 4m54s
k8simagedigests 4m57s
k8slocalstoragerequiresafetoevict 4m53s
k8smemoryrequestequalslimit 4m58s
k8snoenvvarsecrets 5m
k8snoexternalservices 4m59s
k8spodresourcesbestpractices 4m57s
k8spodsrequiresecuritycontext 4m56s
k8sprohibitrolewildcardaccess 5m
k8spspallowedusers 4m58s
k8spspallowprivilegeescalationcontainer 4m52s
k8spspapparmor 5m1s
k8spspautomountserviceaccounttokenpod 4m52s
k8spspcapabilities 4m55s
k8spspflexvolumes 4m57s
k8spspforbiddensysctls 4m51s
k8spspfsgroup 4m53s
k8spsphostfilesystem 4m57s
k8spsphostnamespace 4m54s
k8spsphostnetworkingports 4m52s
k8spspprivilegedcontainer 4m55s
k8spspprocmount 4m50s
k8spspreadonlyrootfilesystem 4m51s
k8spspseccomp 4m50s
k8spspselinuxv2 4m59s
k8spspvolumetypes 4m51s
k8spspwindowshostprocess 5m
k8spssrunasnonroot 4m56s
k8sreplicalimits 4m55s
k8srequirecosnodeimage 4m57s
k8srequiredannotations 4m58s
k8srequiredlabels 5m1s
k8srequiredprobes 4m58s
k8srequiredresources 4m55s
k8srequirevalidrangesfornetworks 4m55s
k8srestrictadmissioncontroller 4m55s
k8srestrictautomountserviceaccounttokens 4m52s
k8srestrictlabels 4m57s
k8srestrictnamespaces 4m52s
k8srestrictnfsurls 4m54s
k8srestrictrbacsubjects 4m59s
k8srestrictrolebindings 4m52s
k8srestrictrolerules 4m51s
noupdateserviceaccount 4m54s
policystrictonly 4m52s
restrictnetworkexclusions 4m58s
sourcenotallauthz 4m52s
verifydeprecatedapi 4m57s
student_01_2c1b6dd12803@cloudshell:~ (qwiklabs-gcp-01-fe43bbf70613)$
Create a constraint from the templates in the library
Let’s try one of the constraints from the library.
- Let’s specify that new namespaces must the have label
before they can be created:
student_01_2c1b6dd12803@cloudshell:~ (qwiklabs-gcp-01-fe43bbf70613)$ cat <<EOF > ns-must-have-geo.yaml
apiVersion: constraints.gatekeeper.sh/v1beta1
kind: K8sRequiredLabels
name: ns-must-have-geo
- apiGroups: [""]
kinds: ["Namespace"]
- key: "geo"
student_01_2c1b6dd12803@cloudshell:~ (qwiklabs-gcp-01-fe43bbf70613)$ kubectl apply -f ns-must-have-geo.yaml
k8srequiredlabels.constraints.gatekeeper.sh/ns-must-have-geo created
student_01_2c1b6dd12803@cloudshell:~ (qwiklabs-gcp-01-fe43bbf70613)$
Try creating a namespace without the geo
key, and confirm that it doesn’t work:
student_01_2c1b6dd12803@cloudshell:~ (qwiklabs-gcp-01-fe43bbf70613)$ kubectl create namespace test
Error from server (Forbidden): admission webhook "validation.gatekeeper.sh" denied the request: [ns-must-have-geo] you must provide labels: {"geo"}
student_01_2c1b6dd12803@cloudshell:~ (qwiklabs-gcp-01-fe43bbf70613)$
Try creating the same namespace with the geo
student_01_2c1b6dd12803@cloudshell:~ (qwiklabs-gcp-01-fe43bbf70613)$ cat <<EOF > test-namespace.yaml
apiVersion: v1
kind: Namespace
name: test
geo: eu-west1
kubectl apply -f test-namespace.yaml
namespace/test created
student_01_2c1b6dd12803@cloudshell:~ (qwiklabs-gcp-01-fe43bbf70613)$
Congratulations! You successfully configured a template from the Constraints Library, deployed it, and verified that prevents users from installing non compliant resources.
Audit the constraint policies
Policy Controller constraint objects enable you to enforce policies for your Kubernetes clusters. To help test your policies, you can add an enforcement action to your constraints. You can then view violations in constraint objects and logs. There are two enforcement actions: deny and dryrun.
- deny is the default enforcement action. It’s automatically enabled, even if you don’t add an enforcement action in your constraint. Use deny to prevent a given cluster operation from occurring when there’s a violation.
- dryrun let’s you monitor violations of your rules without actively blocking transactions. You can use it to test if your constraints are working as intended, prior to enabling active enforcement using the deny action. Testing constraints this way can prevent disruptions caused by an incorrectly configured constraint.
Audit the constraint violations using the following kubectl
student_01_2c1b6dd12803@cloudshell:~ (qwiklabs-gcp-01-fe43bbf70613)$ kubectl get K8sRequiredLabels ns-must-have-geo -o yaml
apiVersion: constraints.gatekeeper.sh/v1beta1
kind: K8sRequiredLabels
kubectl.kubernetes.io/last-applied-configuration: |
creationTimestamp: "2024-07-24T21:52:46Z"
generation: 1
name: ns-must-have-geo
resourceVersion: "151147"
uid: 0e84cf0f-df1e-4f70-af63-da8a6057a780
- apiGroups:
- ""
- Namespace
- key: geo
auditTimestamp: "2024-07-24T21:57:34Z"
- constraintUID: 0e84cf0f-df1e-4f70-af63-da8a6057a780
enforced: true
id: gatekeeper-audit-774c597f76-sfzhk
observedGeneration: 1
- audit
- status
- constraintUID: 0e84cf0f-df1e-4f70-af63-da8a6057a780
enforced: true
id: gatekeeper-controller-manager-7db5b4484f-rlfpq
observedGeneration: 1
- webhook
totalViolations: 10
- enforcementAction: deny
group: ""
kind: Namespace
message: 'you must provide labels: {"geo"}'
name: gke-managed-system
version: v1
- enforcementAction: deny
group: ""
kind: Namespace
message: 'you must provide labels: {"geo"}'
name: default
version: v1
- enforcementAction: deny
group: ""
kind: Namespace
message: 'you must provide labels: {"geo"}'
name: kube-node-lease
version: v1
- enforcementAction: deny
group: ""
kind: Namespace
message: 'you must provide labels: {"geo"}'
name: kube-public
version: v1
- enforcementAction: deny
group: ""
kind: Namespace
message: 'you must provide labels: {"geo"}'
name: kube-system
version: v1
- enforcementAction: deny
group: ""
kind: Namespace
message: 'you must provide labels: {"geo"}'
name: config-management-system
version: v1
- enforcementAction: deny
group: ""
kind: Namespace
message: 'you must provide labels: {"geo"}'
name: config-management-monitoring
version: v1
- enforcementAction: deny
group: ""
kind: Namespace
message: 'you must provide labels: {"geo"}'
name: gmp-public
version: v1
- enforcementAction: deny
group: ""
kind: Namespace
message: 'you must provide labels: {"geo"}'
name: gatekeeper-system
version: v1
- enforcementAction: deny
group: ""
kind: Namespace
message: 'you must provide labels: {"geo"}'
name: gmp-system
version: v1
student_01_2c1b6dd12803@cloudshell:~ (qwiklabs-gcp-01-fe43bbf70613)$
Notice that the type of enforcementAction
is deny as you have not changed the default behavior. Notice as well that there are a total of 9 existing violations - these are namespaces that don’t meet the policy, but were created before the policy was applied.
Open the constraint in the Cloud Shell editor. Add the constraint enforcementAction
to dryrun
. That way you can validate policy constraints before enforcing them. Make sure that the yaml file looks as follows:
student_01_2c1b6dd12803@cloudshell:~ (qwiklabs-gcp-01-fe43bbf70613)$ cat ns-must-have-geo.yaml
apiVersion: constraints.gatekeeper.sh/v1beta1
kind: K8sRequiredLabels
name: ns-must-have-geo
enforcementAction: dryrun
- apiGroups: [""]
kinds: ["Namespace"]
- key: "geo"
student_01_2c1b6dd12803@cloudshell:~ (qwiklabs-gcp-01-fe43bbf70613)$
student_01_2c1b6dd12803@cloudshell:~ (qwiklabs-gcp-01-fe43bbf70613)$ kubectl apply -f ns-must-have-geo.yaml
k8srequiredlabels.constraints.gatekeeper.sh/ns-must-have-geo configured
student_01_2c1b6dd12803@cloudshell:~ (qwiklabs-gcp-01-fe43bbf70613)$
Try creating another namespace without the geo
label and observe that the command completes this time:
student_01_2c1b6dd12803@cloudshell:~ (qwiklabs-gcp-01-fe43bbf70613)$ kubectl create namespace ns-with-violations
namespace/ns-with-violations created
student_01_2c1b6dd12803@cloudshell:~ (qwiklabs-gcp-01-fe43bbf70613)$
Check the violations again, to see a new violation added of type dryrun
student_01_2c1b6dd12803@cloudshell:~ (qwiklabs-gcp-01-fe43bbf70613)$ kubectl get K8sRequiredLabels ns-must-have-geo -o yaml
apiVersion: constraints.gatekeeper.sh/v1beta1
kind: K8sRequiredLabels
kubectl.kubernetes.io/last-applied-configuration: |
creationTimestamp: "2024-07-24T21:52:46Z"
generation: 2
name: ns-must-have-geo
resourceVersion: "152924"
uid: 0e84cf0f-df1e-4f70-af63-da8a6057a780
enforcementAction: dryrun
- apiGroups:
- ""
- Namespace
- key: geo
auditTimestamp: "2024-07-24T22:00:34Z"
- constraintUID: 0e84cf0f-df1e-4f70-af63-da8a6057a780
enforced: true
id: gatekeeper-audit-774c597f76-sfzhk
observedGeneration: 2
- audit
- status
- constraintUID: 0e84cf0f-df1e-4f70-af63-da8a6057a780
enforced: true
id: gatekeeper-controller-manager-7db5b4484f-rlfpq
observedGeneration: 2
- webhook
totalViolations: 11
- enforcementAction: dryrun
group: ""
kind: Namespace
message: 'you must provide labels: {"geo"}'
name: gke-managed-system
version: v1
- enforcementAction: dryrun
group: ""
kind: Namespace
message: 'you must provide labels: {"geo"}'
name: ns-with-violations
version: v1
- enforcementAction: dryrun
group: ""
kind: Namespace
message: 'you must provide labels: {"geo"}'
name: default
version: v1
- enforcementAction: dryrun
group: ""
kind: Namespace
message: 'you must provide labels: {"geo"}'
name: kube-node-lease
version: v1
- enforcementAction: dryrun
group: ""
kind: Namespace
message: 'you must provide labels: {"geo"}'
name: kube-public
version: v1
- enforcementAction: dryrun
group: ""
kind: Namespace
message: 'you must provide labels: {"geo"}'
name: kube-system
version: v1
- enforcementAction: dryrun
group: ""
kind: Namespace
message: 'you must provide labels: {"geo"}'
name: config-management-system
version: v1
- enforcementAction: dryrun
group: ""
kind: Namespace
message: 'you must provide labels: {"geo"}'
name: config-management-monitoring
version: v1
- enforcementAction: dryrun
group: ""
kind: Namespace
message: 'you must provide labels: {"geo"}'
name: gmp-public
version: v1
- enforcementAction: dryrun
group: ""
kind: Namespace
message: 'you must provide labels: {"geo"}'
name: gatekeeper-system
version: v1
- enforcementAction: dryrun
group: ""
kind: Namespace
message: 'you must provide labels: {"geo"}'
name: gmp-system
version: v1
student_01_2c1b6dd12803@cloudshell:~ (qwiklabs-gcp-01-fe43bbf70613)$
Writing a constraint template
In this task, you will write a custom constraint template and use it to extend Policy Controller capabilities. This is great when you cannot find a pre-written constraint template that suits your needs for extending Policy Controller.
Policy Controller policies are described by using the OPA Constraint Framework and are written in Rego. A policy can evaluate any field of a Kubernetes object.
Writing policies using Rego is a specialized skill. For this reason, a library of common constraint templates is installed by default. Most users can leverages these constraint templates when creating constraints. If you have specialized needs, you can create your own constraint templates.
Constraint templates let you separate a policy’s logic from its specific requirements, and this enables reuse and delegation. You can create constraints by using constraint templates developed by third parties, such as open source projects, software vendors, or regulatory experts.
Create the policy template that denies all resources whose name matches a value provided by the creator of the constraint:
student_01_2c1b6dd12803@cloudshell:~ (qwiklabs-gcp-01-fe43bbf70613)$ cat <<EOF > k8sdenyname-constraint-template.yaml
apiVersion: templates.gatekeeper.sh/v1beta1
kind: ConstraintTemplate
name: k8sdenyname
kind: K8sDenyName
EOF } msg := sprintf("The name %v is not allowed", [input.parameters.invalidName])
student_01_2c1b6dd12803@cloudshell:~ (qwiklabs-gcp-01-fe43bbf70613)$ kubectl apply -f k8sdenyname-constraint-template.yaml
constrainttemplate.templates.gatekeeper.sh/k8sdenyname created
student_01_2c1b6dd12803@cloudshell:~ (qwiklabs-gcp-01-fe43bbf70613)$
student_01_2c1b6dd12803@cloudshell:~ (qwiklabs-gcp-01-fe43bbf70613)$ cat k8sdenyname-constraint-template.yaml
apiVersion: templates.gatekeeper.sh/v1beta1
kind: ConstraintTemplate
name: k8sdenyname
kind: K8sDenyName
type: string
- target: admission.k8s.gatekeeper.sh
rego: |
package k8sdenynames
violation[{"msg": msg}] {
input.review.object.metadata.name == input.parameters.invalidName
msg := sprintf("The name %v is not allowed", [input.parameters.invalidName])
student_01_2c1b6dd12803@cloudshell:~ (qwiklabs-gcp-01-fe43bbf70613)$
Once the template is deployed, a team can reference it the same way it would reference a template from Google’s library to create a constraint:
student_01_2c1b6dd12803@cloudshell:~ (qwiklabs-gcp-01-fe43bbf70613)$ cat <<EOF > k8sdenyname-constraint.yaml
apiVersion: constraints.gatekeeper.sh/v1beta1
kind: K8sDenyName
name: no-policy-violation
invalidName: "policy-violation"
student_01_2c1b6dd12803@cloudshell:~ (qwiklabs-gcp-01-fe43bbf70613)$ kubectl apply -f k8sdenyname-constraint.yaml
k8sdenyname.constraints.gatekeeper.sh/no-policy-violation created
student_01_2c1b6dd12803@cloudshell:~ (qwiklabs-gcp-01-fe43bbf70613)$
Try creating any resource with the name policy-violation
to verify that it does not work:
student_01_2c1b6dd12803@cloudshell:~ (qwiklabs-gcp-01-fe43bbf70613)$ kubectl create namespace policy-violation
Error from server (Forbidden): admission webhook "validation.gatekeeper.sh" denied the request: [no-policy-violation] The name policy-violation is not allowed
student_01_2c1b6dd12803@cloudshell:~ (qwiklabs-gcp-01-fe43bbf70613)$
Congratulations! You successfully created and deployed your own template. Then you created a constraint and verified that it prevents users from installing non compliant resources.
In this lab, you reviewed ACM’s Policy Controller and explored some of its useful features. You created a constraint from the provided templates as well as creating your own templates. You verified that constraints can be used to enforce policies and to audit policy violations before enforcing them in a production environment.
student_01_2c1b6dd12803@cloudshell:~ (qwiklabs-gcp-01-fe43bbf70613)$ history
1 ZONE=us-west1-b
2 export CLUSTER_NAME=gke
3 export PROJECT_ID=$(gcloud config get-value project)
4 export PROJECT_NUMBER=$(gcloud projects describe ${PROJECT_ID} \
5 gcloud container clusters get-credentials gke --zone $ZONE --project $PROJECT_ID
6 gcloud beta container fleet config-management enable
7 cat <<EOF > config-management.yaml
apiVersion: configmanagement.gke.io/v1
kind: ConfigManagement
name: config-management
applySpecVersion: 1
# Set to true to install and enable Policy Controller
enabled: true
# Uncomment to prevent the template library from being installed
# templateLibraryInstalled: false
# Uncomment to enable support for referential constraints
# referentialRulesEnabled: true
# Uncomment to disable audit, adjust value to set audit interval
# auditIntervalSeconds: 0
# Uncomment to log all denies and dryrun failures
# logDeniesEnabled: true
# Uncomment to exempt namespaces
# exemptableNamespaces: ["namespace-name"]
# ...other fields...
8 ls
9 cat config-management.yaml
10 gcloud beta container fleet config-management apply --membership=${CLUSTER_NAME}-connect --config=config-management.yaml --project=$PROJECT_ID
11 watch gcloud beta container fleet config-management status --project=$PROJECT_ID
12 kubectl get constrainttemplates
13 cat <<EOF > ns-must-have-geo.yaml
apiVersion: constraints.gatekeeper.sh/v1beta1
kind: K8sRequiredLabels
name: ns-must-have-geo
- apiGroups: [""]
kinds: ["Namespace"]
- key: "geo"
14 kubectl apply -f ns-must-have-geo.yaml
15 kubectl create namespace test
16 cat <<EOF > test-namespace.yaml
apiVersion: v1
kind: Namespace
name: test
geo: eu-west1
17 kubectl apply -f test-namespace.yaml
18 kubectl get K8sRequiredLabels ns-must-have-geo -o yaml
19 apiVersion: constraints.gatekeeper.sh/v1beta1
20 kind: K8sRequiredLabels
21 metadata:
22 spec:
23 ls
24 vi ns-must-have-geo.yaml
25 kubectl apply -f ns-must-have-geo.yaml
26 cat ns-must-have-geo.yaml
27 kubectl create namespace ns-with-violations
28 kubectl get K8sRequiredLabels ns-must-have-geo -o yaml
29 cat <<EOF > k8sdenyname-constraint-template.yaml
apiVersion: templates.gatekeeper.sh/v1beta1
kind: ConstraintTemplate
name: k8sdenyname
kind: K8sDenyName
type: string
- target: admission.k8s.gatekeeper.sh
rego: |
package k8sdenynames
violation[{"msg": msg}] {
input.review.object.metadata.name == input.parameters.invalidName
msg := sprintf("The name %v is not allowed", [input.parameters.invalidName])
30 kubectl apply -f k8sdenyname-constraint-template.yaml
31 cat k8sdenyname-constraint-template.yaml
32 cat <<EOF > k8sdenyname-constraint.yaml
apiVersion: constraints.gatekeeper.sh/v1beta1
kind: K8sDenyName
name: no-policy-violation
invalidName: "policy-violation"
33 kubectl apply -f k8sdenyname-constraint.yaml
34 kubectl create namespace policy-violation
35 history
student_01_2c1b6dd12803@cloudshell:~ (qwiklabs-gcp-01-fe43bbf70613)$