• default VLAN mode
  • VLAN-Aware mode
  • VLAN-Normalizing mode
  • No-VLAN mode

VPLS, VLANs and Broadcast Domains

Default Mode

In default VLAN mode, if BUM traffic is sent, flooding happens, across all VLANs , also towards remote PEs.

By default, a VPLS does not care/know about VLAN tags

show vpls mac-table instance <name>output shows VLAN : NA

Default VLAN mode floods all traffic out all interfaces, with sender’s VLAN tag intact.

VLAN-Aware Mode

set routing-instances <name> vlan-id all

Now, Each bridge domain is aware of the VLAN associated For example, with two VLANs, two bridge domains

VLAN : 100 and VLAN : 200

BUM traffic will be restricted to the VLAN only;

VLAN-Normalizing Mode

Normalize VLANs in and out

set routing-instances <name> vlan-id X

all traffic is normalized to this single VLAN.

There is one single bridge domain VLAN : X

No-VLAN Mode

It is same as VLAN-normalizing mode, except that the VLAN is removed

set routing-instances <name> vlan-id none

VLAN is popped on input, pushed on output.

VPLS MAC table shows a single bridge domain, with VLAN : none

Dual-stacked VLAN Tags

C-Tag inner tag (customer)

S-Tag outer tag (Service provider)

vlan-tags outer X inner Y under interfaces

Dual-stacked VLANs in VPLS - behaviour in each of the VLAN modes

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