L2Circuits: Advanced Topics


Virtual Circuit Connectivity Verification

CC Type CV Type

Control Channel (CC)

Connectivity Verification (Cv)

Uses BFD/ICMP Ping/LSP Ping

PEs can send these messages to detect problems with L2Circuits

set protocols l2circuit neighbor <X.X.X.X> interface <ge-0/0/0.0> oam ping-interval X
set protocols l2circuit neighbor <X.X.X.X> interface <ge-0/0/0.0> oam ping-multiplier X
set protocols l2circuit neighbor <X.X.X.X> interface <ge-0/0/0.0> oam bfd-liveness-detection minimum-interval X
set protocols l2circuit neighbor <X.X.X.X> interface <ge-0/0/0.0> oam bfd-liveness-detection multiplier X

Use show bfd session to verify

VCCV Packet Capture shows MPLS ECHO

L2Circuit Multihoming

Backup neighbor

set protocols l2circuit neighbor <X.X.X.X> interface <ge-0/0/0.0> backup-neighbor <Y.Y.Y.Y>

BK -- Backup connection in the show l2circuit connections output.

L2circuits prefer stability, so they do not revert to the primary pseudo wire.

If you like to change the behaviour,

set protocols l2circuit neighbor <X.X.X.X> interface <ge-0/0/0.0> revert-time XX

where XX: 0-600 seconds

L2Circuit Local Switching

Pseudowire between two sites on the same PE

in L2VPN, put both interfaces in the same routing instance

in L2Circuit, pick one starting interface and one end interface.

set protocols l2circuit local-switching interface <ge-0/0/0.0> end-interface interface <ge-0/0/1.0>

No need for a Virtual Circuit ID


Stitching Pseudowires together, useful during acquisitions

Even L2VPN and L2Circuit can be stitched

iw0 interface

Interworking interfaces

Create a pair of units to peer with on this iw0 interface.

For eample, iw0.0 and iw0.1

Protocols l2iw

set interfaces iw0 unit 0 encapsulation vlan-ccc
set interfaces iw0 unit 0 vlan-id 100
set interfaces iw0 unit 0 peer-unit 1
set interfaces iw0 unit 1 encapsulation vlan-ccc
set interfaces iw0 unit 1 vlan-id 100
set interfaces iw0 unit 1 peer-unit 0

Turn on the protocol

set protocols l2iw

Anchor the iw interfaces into relevant pseudowire config

BGP L2VPN Config

root@PE> show configuration routing-instances my-customer-1
instance-type l2vpn;
interface iw0.0;
vrf-target target:64501:100;
protocols { 
    l2vpn {
         encapsulation-type ethernet-vlan;
         site customer-1-site-1 {
         				site-identifier 2;
         				interface iw0.0 {
         				  remote-site-id 1;

LDP L2Circuit

set protocols l2circuit neighbor X.X.X.X interface iw0.1 virtual-circuit-id 1
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