Introduction to MPLS L2VPNs

While working on MPLS L2VPNs, these are the topics that we need to be familiar with:

Different flavors of Layer 2 VPN

  1. L2VPN (BGP-Signalled Pseudowires)
    • L2VPN Configuration and Troubleshooting
    • Site IDs
    • Label Base
    • Overprovisioning
    • Multihoming
    • VLAN Normalization
    • Traffic Policing
    • Out-of-band route reflection
  2. L2Circuit (LDP singalled Pseudowires)

  3. FEC 129 Psedowires
  4. Virtual Private LAN Service (VPLS)
    • BGP-Sigaled VPLs
    • LDP-Signaled VPLS
    • FEC 129 VPLS
    • MAC Learning Modes in VPLS
    • MAC Limiting and Protection
    • Hub and Spoke VPLS
    • Multihomed sites in a VPLS
  5. Ethernet VPN (EVPN)
    • Advantages of EVPN over MPLs
    • EVPN Route Types (2 and 3)
    • EVPN Single-homed
    • EVPN Multihoming
    • Automatic Gateway MAC-IP Sync
    • Host routes in L3VPNs
  6. Inter-AS L2 VPNs
  7. Circut Cross Connect
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