Examining Billing data with BigQuery

Perform the following tasks:

  • Sign in to BigQuery from the Cloud Console

  • Create a dataset

  • Create a table

  • Import data from a billing CSV file stored in a bucket

  • Run complex queries on a larger dataset

1. Use BigQuery to import data

2. Examine the table

3. Compose a simple query

When you reference a table in a query, both the dataset ID and table ID must be specified; the project ID is optional.

SELECT * FROM `imported_billing_data.sampleinfotable`
WHERE Cost > 0

4. Analyze a large billing dataset with SQL

In the next activity, you use BigQuery to analyze a sample dataset with 22,537 lines of billing data.

5. Review

In this lab, you imported billing data into BigQuery that had been generated as a CSV file. You ran a simple query on the file. Then you accessed a shared dataset containing more than 22,000 records of billing information. You ran a variety of queries on that data to explore how you can use BigQuery to ask and answer questions by running queries.




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